Philosophy Now

Philosophy Now

by Anja Publications Ltd
Current Issue: June-July 2024

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Philosophy Now

Philosophy Now

by Anja Publications Ltd

NOOK Magazine

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Philosophy Now is a lively magazine for everyone interested in ideas. It isn't afraid to tackle all the major questions of life, the universe and everything. Published every two months, it tries to corrupt innocent citizens by convincing them that philosophy can be exciting, worthwhile and comprehensible, and also to provide some enjoyable reading matter for those already ensnared by the muse, such as philosophy students and academics.

Philosophy Now contains articles and features on all aspects of philosophy, as well as book reviews, film reviews, news, and the occasional short story. It attracts contributions by well-known thinkers, and regular columnists include Prof. Raymond Tallis ("Tallis in Wonderland"), Prof. Joel Marks ("Ethical and Other Episodes"), Dr Tim Madigan ("Food for Thought") and a philosophy of science column written by Prof. Massimo Pigliucci.

Since its launch in 1991, Philosophy Now has grown to become the most widely-read philosophy periodical in the English language. Philosophy Now is independent of all groups and has no intentional editorial bias except for a passionate conviction that philosophy is a Good Thing.

Product Details

Publisher: Anja Publications Ltd
# of issues/year: 6
Delivered: Bi-monthly
Current Issue: June-July 2024
Format: NOOK Magazine
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