Title: Polnoe rukovodstvo dla nacinausego trejdera valutnogo rynka FOREKS, cast 1,Trejder valutnogo rynka: professia XXI veka, Author: Sergey Petrof
Title: Sem' shagov k finansovoj svobode: Prakticheskoe posobie, Author: Aleksandr Evstegneev
Title: Trachu i priobretayu: Kak upravlyat' semeynym byudzhetom, chtoby zhit' v dostatke, Author: Natal'ya Kolbasina
Title: The Richest Man In Babylon, Author: George S. Clason
Title: Naked Money: A Revealing Look at Our Financial System, Author: Charles Wheelan
Title: The Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things with Money, Author: Carl Richards
Title: Deti den'gi ne zarabatyvayut: Razreshite sebe vyrasti i obresti finansovuyu svobodu, Author: Irina Mar'evich
Title: Financial superpowers: How to break through your financial ceiling, Author: Maxim Temchenko
Title: Dostatok: upravlyay den'gami, chtoby oni ne upravlyali toboy, Author: Radislav Gandapas